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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Management wants faster implementation of new Organizational Strategy (Part III).

See full color web version at: http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/pvt-98-faster-org-strategy.html

Is anyone "not affected" by a reorganization?

In the last couple of weeks, I have discussed reorganization and how you can manage employees who are affected positively or negatively.

What about employees "not affected" by a reorganization?

Even those "not affected" on your Org Chart will be affected psychologically.

Yes, they will have the same manager and the same agreements. But, most of the time ANY change is threatening to the mind.

That's why it is so important to make your announcement(s) timely and in person to let people know what's going on.

Consider this:

Some "not affected" people might perceive that their colleagues are "getting the shaft." This will be demotivating and cause negative attitudes, destructive gossip, and problems that can sabotage your company.

So, treat your reorganization as an emergency (root word "emerge"). What's the first step in an emergency? Anyone remember? PROMOTE!

(For more information, look for my download article, "The 5 Conditions & what to DO about them" at: http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/ARTICLES.html )

So, get your "cards on the table" and promote the positive aspects of your reorganization ASAP!

Does your company have these management problems? A case study.

Following is a letter I received from a PVT reader. He^re, you will read a perfect example of how NOT to reorganize. (Reprinted with permission. Writer requested anonymity.)



Interesting PVT [97]. It reminded me of what happened to me a couple of times. Let me explain

After our typical annual reorganization, we had department meetings for the world to see. The projector screen displayed the new and improved organization.

However on inspection, I realized my department was gone, nada, zip. . .

No one had spoken a word to me. No one asked what projects were in the works or what would happen to the organization if the projects failed.

That evening when I left my office, I was steaming mad.

I had been embarrassed in front of my colleagues and direct reports. The department manager and a VP quickly grabbed me and gave me a song and dance about how X had happened and the announcement had to be moved up.

Being somewhat constrained by my "golden handcuffs," I bit my tongue, ate my pride, and went back to work.

Similarly, during a time of weekly downsizing, my boss called and told me to bring my subordinate (my best employee) to his office. Why? He was being laid off.

Again, no forewarning, no quest'ions about this man's projects, his contribution, how much he was saving the company, his level of commitment for 25 years. Nothing! He might as well have been a dirty paper towel to disposed when they were done with him.

A year later, management decided to "outsource" another department I was in charge of. Again, my only notice was a ph0ne call -- 2 minutes before their announcement.

My subordinates were given an opportu'nity to work for the outsource company for about 2/3 thirds their current salary, lower benefits, etc. Trust me, this has not worked out well at all. Why?

Management outsourced projects that my department could have done. Fortunately, the outsource employees are the original employees from my department. And they're doing a damn good job under the conditions. However, that decision to outsource has been an immense failure.

Here's shy.

My outsourced subordinates are n0w 30 miles away. Meanwhile, we're developing a critical new (and secret) project. Work we could have done effectively he^re has been subject to many delays, frustration, and rework.

N0w, people who need to work together can not.

Worse, we n0w have a huge problem. The outsource company does not operate from the same "quality paradigm" as we do.

Although the displaced employees are doing a great job, they have no control over the shop that makes our parts. Plus, the outsource company just doesn't have the skilled employees or mind-set for the necessary close-tolerance work that we require.

Signed, (Anonymous)

How to combat an age-old management problem that still exists today -- management confusion about reorganization ============================================================

Reread the last two PVT issues for comparison with the above letter. See these two pages:

http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/pvt-96-faster-org-strategy.html http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/pvt-97-faster-org-strategy.html

I rest my case.

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Understanding is not enough; we must do. Knowing and understanding in action make for honor. And honor is the heart of wisdom." -- Johann von Goethe

Thank you for your participation! Send me your feedback.

a. What did you learn today that you found most beneficial? b. How will you apply what you have learned at work? c. I welcome your quest'ions or comments.

When you're weeding your garden, what's the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant? Pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.

Does this apply to valuable employees? There is a better way!

Until next week...

Best Regards,

Mike Hayden, Principal/Consultant Your partner in streamlining business.

PS. If you're not on our P V T Roster, sign up (fr#e) at: http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com

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(c) 2005 Mike Hayden, All rights reserved. You may use material from the Profitable Venture Tactics eZine in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including live website links and email link.

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About the Author

Mike Hayden is Founder/CEO of Senior Management Services and the Documentation Express in Silicon Valley, California. Mr Hayden is the author of "7 Easy Steps to your Raise and Promotion in 30-60 Days! The book that smart bosses want their employees to read." ISBN 0-9723725-1-2. More articles at http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/pvt-information.html

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